
Hyperenergetic puppies can’t fall asleep until the second dad sings them a lullaby

For the unlucky few, falling asleep is exhausting. Rolling from one side to side, hoping for to fall asleep is a great challenge. So much of a great challenge, that there have been numerous industry development out of this, including sleep mattresses and phone apps. It seems however that the problem also occurs among dogs, not only humans.

What methods work like magic in making this happen? For some, noise helps so they put on a TV or a podcast. For others, music helps best. For these puppies, the soothing voice of their dad is the cure of insomnia.

This pup owner has seemed to figure out the formula for putting his dogs to sleep. Within a few lines of the lullaby, the cuddled-together puppies fall asleep immediately.

As they were sitting together, playing happily, the owner announced “let’s go to sleep”. Though they looked highly dissatisfied, within a few lullaby lines, they were not complaining anymore.

The magic song was the 1950s classic “Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight” by the Spaniels. This most definitely proved to be a successful magic trick!

What is even cuter is how happy the puppies look. Furthermore, each pup makes sure to cuddle next to its sibling, for a better good night’s sleep, perhaps.


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