
Newborn puppy Was Dumped on The Street, Crying – Still Finds It In Himself To Trust Humans

Meet Joy, a young puppy that was left on the street. He was small and weak because he didn’t have his mother’s care. He was unable to care for himself and appeared to be leaving his future up to chance. Fortunately, though, volunteers from Howl Of A Dog, a non-profit organization dedicated to animal rescue in Romania, discovered him and brought him to their facility.

The day Joy entered the shelter was considered to be his first day of life because he only weighed 160 grams. In addition to being extremely vulnerable, blind, deaf, toothless, and unable to regulate their body temperature, orphaned newborn puppies are difficult to raise. Despite their many challenges, the staff did their best to care for him and support his development.
0With the aid of staff, he spent the majority of the first week sleeping and eating. He finally opened his eyes after three weeks. He started getting to know other furry creatures and exploring everything around him. He was strong enough to eat on his own when he was seven weeks old. Everyone assisted in finding him a new home once he was prepared for adoption.

The good news was delivered to the Howl Of A Dog staff after 4 months. Joy was adopted by a wonderful Dutch family who fell in love with him. In order to personally bring him home, his new parents Ellen and Ricardo drove across all of Europe. The knowledge that Joy is now contentedly residing in his enduring home with his devoted family makes us happy.

View the complete rescue here:

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