Dog Spent Her Days Under A Bush Since Kids Picked On & Bullied Her For Being Old

A slapdash named Porkie could only spend her days hiding under a backcountry because she was always bullied and abused by the original kiddies for being an old canine. She merited so much more in life and was broughtbrought to Cape Town for rehoming, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Sidewalk Specials was determined to give her an alternate chance at life.
Because she only eats the jewels under the roots of her teeth, her teeth are on a whim. She’d also need an operation to save her eye. For an old and sickly girl, would anyone want her? The answer to that was a veritably clear yes!
These days, Porkie and her humans and cats are living a happy life in the home she loves! She now knows of a life conforming of playtime, cuddles, and walks without the fear of constantly being picked on and hurt. Amazing!