Dog Lost His Owner and Wandered for Approximately Two Years After Her Death

Dog Cries and Searches Environment Every Day for Dead Owner Without Realizing It | Animal in Crisis
Every day, residents of a town outside of the city witness a white, thin dog strolling along the street in a gloomy mood. He doesn’t react, even if someone approaches and endangers the traffic. He appeared to have lost everything, as evidenced by the grief in his eyes. The locals claim that the dog has been walking for a very long time despite the fact that his frail legs could not hold him up. The poor puppy captured the attention of onlookers, who questioned what he was searching for.

It turns out that he lives with his owner and his wife at a neighboring home and is not a homeless dog. There was no sign of life in the abandoned house. The owners had to leave their home for the entire day since they were always preoccupied at work, leaving Jindal, the dog, alone at home. They claim that he wasn’t always thus depressed; in the past, he was a joyful dog who remained at the owner’s mother’s side. Since her passing over a year ago, Jindal has been lifeless and miserable.
The thought that he had unexpectedly lost his beloved grandma was too much for him to bear. During the funeral, Jindal cried hysterically while sitting on the ground. Regardless of the weather, he walked outside every day. He visited every location where he had happy recollections of his grandma. However, he was never able to find her, and he could only yearn for her desperately. He strolled down all the streets he and his old friend used to frequent. Though he was unable to speak, his behavior suggested that he was trying to find his understanding owner. He was sore for her.
He hadn’t been living on the streets for two years, and things had become much worse for him. He had renal insufficiency, which the veterinarian said made treatment challenging. His age made it much more challenging, but they believed that love might help him more gradually. He didn’t feel better about being in a little place in the house; it just annoyed him. So, just like her grandmother did, the lady owner started walking Jindol every day on a warm day. He didn’t have to walk by himself anymore.
Jindol is hoping that his sorrow will give way to relief and that he will be able to enjoy a calm existence for the remainder of his days.
Here’s a link to a video that moves: Please tell your close ones this touching story if you found it enjoyable. The dog continued to search for his owner for almost two years after she passed away. The original Paws Planet post can be seen here.