One of the things we always do in life is to look for more and forget to appreciate what it really is. That is our essence. Instead of being grateful for what we have, we grieve and sometimes we also become discouraged by envy of another’s life. This is one of the worst things a person can do when comparing their life with that of others. On the other hand, those who are most grateful tend to be the ones who have the least things to be grateful for.

The precious little dogs take their first steps in the sand and run through the surf that hits the bank. In doing so, they completely forget that they have wheelchairs. Salima said, “Dogs loved the beach. Well we can all learn something from this video. Amazing friends how dogs can be, they are great teachers to all of us too.
For me personally, someone who can watch a lot of dog videos on a daily basis, I learn a lot from them and onething I learned from this particular video is the fact that happiness comes from even the smallest things in life.I really hope this video will inspire other people out there and disabled people in particular who believe that there is no hope for them in life. So please share it with friends. Indeed, there is and as long as it’s here for these adorable dogs, it is for you too. May God bless you!