This touching story demonstrates the importance of never giving up hope. It has a joyful conclusion, despite the fact that it begins with a heartbreaking loss.
This touching story demonstrates the importance of never giving up hope. It has a joyful conclusion, despite the fact that it begins with a heartbreaking loss.

The staff reached out to Stevie when a malnourished German shepherd mix was brought in that matched the description of Kavik from Dog Lost.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing and travelled nearly four hours the next day to see his beloved puppy again. It just took one look at the scrawny dog for him to recognize Kavik. The now 10-year-old dog recognized his father right away, and tears began to pour.
“He raced over to me and began licking me as if he’d only seen me the day before. It was a bittersweet reunion. I can’t believe he’s been gone for more than eight years, but he’s fit back in nicely,” Stevie told the Metro.
The first night, they slept on the couch together. The next day, Kavik was taken to the vet for blood testing and an examination. The vet discovered a tumor on his back that will be removed, in addition to being dehydrated and underweight. Right now, the focus is on feeding him a lot of tiny meals to help him acquire weight. “We’re up for it and doing it with cheerful hearts,” the family added, despite the fact that his path to recovery will be long.
Stevie describes the incredible reunion as a “Christmas miracle.” The entire family is ecstatic to get their pet puppy back, and they intend to ‘pay it forward.’