he moved from being terrified and depressed to being the happiest dog.

The dog in this story is named Heaven, and she is fantastic. When she was rescued by the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter, she was a scared little girl. Heaven is now the world’s most beautiful Home Depot employee, and we’re thrilled to tell her tale. Heaven was adopted by Jackie Rackers, who told the Dodo how their trips to Home Depot turned a timid dog into a happy girl.

“The Home Depot runs started as a way for her to cope with her fears,” Rakers told The Dodo. “She was afraid of new places and sounds, so we’d go for five minutes and she’d get all the treats,” says the narrator. Then we began going for longer and longer lengths of time, exposing her to an increasing number of items in the store.”

Heaven evidently found these visits to be a great method for her to practice breaking out of her shell, as Home Depot has a lot of interesting things for dogs to discover.

Heaven emerges from her shell at Home Depot. Heaven was so well-behaved on her visits to the Home Department that she got her own apron.

“I keep it in the car so we’re always ready,” Rakers explained. “As soon as she realizes we’re approaching the parking lot, she quivers until I put on [the apron] and she’s off to ‘work.’”

“She struts around like she owns the place,” Rakers added.

At Home Depot, Heaven becomes a household name.

Heaven’s visits to Home Depot have been well received by the store’s staff. Her photo is prominently posted in the staff break room, and everyone knows her name.

Heaven has a part in the store as well.

She makes it a point to meet new people while she’s there, and she always chooses to help those who are in need.

Heaven delights in bringing joy to people.

Heaven has a way of finding people who are in need of a good chuckle, a smile, or a warm heart.

Rakers added, “She goes about her business and then insists on meeting someone.” “She just sits there and stares. They frequently express their gratitude for the boost. It’s as if she knows who needs to hear how much they’re loved that day – and Home Depot is one of her favorite venues to do so!”

Heaven, Rakers continued, may seek to make others happy since she used to be depressed.

Rakers explained, “She was scared of everything at first, but with a lot of training and patience, she learned to trust, and now it’s as though she pays it forward.” “She goes out of her way to find people in need and comfort them with a smile and a cuddle.”

The most satisfying component of saving an animal is witnessing their transformation from fearful and forlorn to happy and active. Their happiness is a direct result of your efforts, and it makes you pleased. Because it happened to her dog Heaven, Jackie Rakers understands how it feels.

Rakers continued, “She is the essence of what happens when you meet someone right where they are and love them completely.” “She went from being scared and miserable to being the happiest dog in the world.”

Heaven is adored by all.

Heaven’s exploits are chronicled on a popular Instagram profile dedicated to her. Heaven Is A Dog has over 8000 followers on Instagram.

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