Let me introduce you to Paola. Her children were still without milk to feed, and she was very fatigued from hunger. To get well, they all need to eat and breastfeed.

These unfortunate dogs were dying motionless, and the repercussions were not going well for them. Perhaps they haven’t eaten in several days. Many days passed in such conditions without food or milk for the puppies, and they were no longer sleeping in the cold.
The only thing the mom canine knows how to do is close her eyes and bite the agony. Her child is still the same, and he or she is still in excruciating pain. They were really frail. They need to breastfeed in order to get energy.
It was a difficult scenario for the three tiny puppies who had lived in poverty since birth.
They screamed out in anguish. A lovely man’s heart was broken, and he came even more determined to save these terrible babies.