When a good-hearted man saw a dog about to be sold for meat, he couldn’t Couldn’t Walk Away

This man couldn’t stand by as a dog was being sold for meat.
Danielle Xingyi, who resides in Singapore, chooses to see her father, who lives in China, in this narrative. Asians, on the other hand, consume dog meat.

They once discovered a bunch of individuals selling puppies. Many dogs are sold for slaughter each year. Xingyi and her father watched the dogs being sold for their meat alive inside sacks, and Xingyi’s father was only able to save one of them, which he called Doggo.
Doggo has been staying at his workplace because his apartment does not accept dogs, but this is only a temporary situation, and the dog will relocate once a better living situation is found. What matters is that Doggo is still alive. Each year, some 10,000 cats and dogs are consumed during the Lychee Dog Meat Festival, which takes place in late June. according to the Huffington Post
The majority of dogs who are taken from their homes are tortured to death or stripped alive. Because of recent indignation and criticism, the sale of dog meat will be prohibited this year. This is a step in the right direction.