A stray Chihuahua puppy plummets from the sky and struggles for survival.

This is one of the most incredible stories ever told; it’s about a 6-week-old puppy that miraculously survived a horrific catastrophe. After a long day at work, a group of construction workers heard the little puppy’s cry for help. As a result, they were acutely aware that they needed to take immediate action.
They began looking for and tracking the sound, but they discovered nothing; yet, they continued to hear screams, so one of them looked up and realized the sounds were coming from above. When they spotted a little Chihuahua pup clutched in the talons of a hawk that was circling the skies with it, it was a tragic image.

They were all stunned and unsure what to do, but the hawk abruptly let go of the Chihuahua, which careened down. So the staff rushed over to check on the puppy, and they couldn’t believe their eyes when they realized what they did.
Fortunately, the pup was injured but not severely, allowing staff to scoop him up and transport him to the nearest doctor, where he was inspected and told he would be alright.
The small puppy, who was transported to Austin Animal Center (AAC), had multiple scrapes, bruises, and bumps, but he was in fantastic form considering he was flung from the sky by a hawk. After the horrific encounter with the hawk, he was given IV fluids to help him regain his strength.
Fortunately, Tony Hawk, the small Chihuahua, is currently healing and receiving regular nutrition, and he will be available for adoption once he is fully recovered.