After being surrendered for being ‘too old,’ rescuers comforted a senior dog in his last moments.

Thanks to rescuers who took him from a California animal shelter, an elderly dog who had been surrendered by his family because he was “too old” was given solace in his final moments. Leave No Paws Behind tweeted two photos of a 14-year-old dog on Tuesday, along with a note to people who have decided not to spend the remainder of their lives with him.

According to the rescue organization.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Today is a special day. We will hold your puppy biscuit lovingly and fondly as you cross the Rainbow Bridge today. Cookie and I met on Sunday when we were at the sanctuary to rescue another little senior and they asked if we could help this tiny 14-year-old historical canine who had been just owner surrendered for “being too old.” They also informed us that you told them that, in addition to being too old, he “sometimes suffers seizures.” Now, I make every effort now not to be judgmental; I have no idea what events lead Cookie to the shelter; all I know is that he was towards the end of his life; his nails were overgrown; He used to be as skinny as a toothpick and, of course, he was ill.
After all these years with you, I’m alone and questioning on a bloodless safe haven floor, and I can’t imagine what was going through your mind as you gave him to die. What broke my heart the most, however, was what he was thinking as he watched you walk away and was taken to a cold, loud, and darkish cage with strangers who I’m sure tried to calm him down. Yes, this is no longer about you or how you feel, but about a 14-year-old candy puppy who died alone when he needed you the most.