Dog Immediately Thanks The Man Who Saved Him From Death Row

When Schenley Hutson Kirk saw a picture of Gregory on the euthanasia list at Franklin County Shelter and Adoption Center in Ohio, she knew she had to do something.The little beagle had been found running astray in Obetz, Ohio, most likely abandoned by his owners, and appeared to be in perfect health — except for one little problem.

At the shelter, during his health and behavior assessment, his heartworm test came up positive.
While the 2-year-old dog was full of energy and extremely friendly, due to his medical issue (the treatment of which would cost $400, according to the shelter), he was listed as “rescue only.” If he wasn’t pulled from the shelter by May 3, the shelter wrote in a message to rescuers, his fate would be sealed.
Luckily for Gregory, Kirk and her husband Joe are the founders of Hound Rescue and Sanctuary and knew the little dog had so much left to give. They dropped everything to save his life — never expecting that the dog would thank them in return.
They were wrong.
“My husband took the day off work to drive to the shelter, while I stayed home to take care of the other rescue dogs,” Kirk told The Dodo. “On the way back home, he decided he was going to take a couple selfies of our new rescue, which I got after him a little bit for since he’s not supposed to take pictures while driving — but considering the photos he captured I couldn’t complain too much.”
Though Gregory had only met Joe for the first time, he wanted to be as close as possible to his new friend during his two-hour-long “freedom ride.”Tethered in the backseat for safety, Gregory’s leash was just long enough so that he could reach Joe’s shoulder. When Kirk received Joe’s text with the photos, she couldn’t believe what she saw.