Dog Is Broken After His Adoption Falls Through, So He Stares At A Wall All Day


family promised to adopt him, and then returned him because he wasn’t “playful” enough. This broke his heart and he shut himself off.

When the homeless bulldog was pulled from the street for the first time in March, he was a gentle and happy man. The staff at the Philadelphia asylum believed that this handsome and well-behaved boy would soon find his forever home. But the residence quickly became a nightmare in March.

March wasn’t wont to living in confined kennels surrounded by other sacred animals waiting to be adopted. This caused him mental damage, and his sparks began to weaken. However, the most important blow for him was getting rejected by a family that had promised to adopt him, simply because he wasn’t as “playful” as they expected him to be.

When he learned that the family who adopted him eventually cancelled the adoption and sent him back to the shelter, March was destroyed. After finding himself back in his cold doghouse, March looked visibly defeated and depressed. He stared pitifully at the wall, curled up lazily in a corner,refusing to interact with anyone.

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