Dog owner gives his pup a step stool so he can greet his friends across the fence

Labradors may not be the smallest of pups, but next to his two Great Dane neighbours, this chocolate lab named Guiseppe looks positively tiny.

The sweet lab recently moved in next door to brothers Vito and Bambino, and the two Great Danes were very excited to have a new and exciting friend in the neighbourhood.

Tall as they are, Vito and Bambino would peer over the wall dividing the two backyards, hoping to see Guiseppe peering back.

But alas, the little lab was simply too short to reach all the way up.

Robert Carnes

Guiseppe is anything but a quitter, though, and he’s been trying his best to jump high enough to greet his neighbours.

Time and time again he’s tried to propel himself high enough to give Vito and Bambino a proper sniff, but he’s just not been able to succeed.

Not without help, anyway.

Robert Carnes

Guiseppe’s family has followed his tireless struggle with both mirth and compassion.

Every time they’ve seen his fruitless jumps fail to take him where he needs to be, they’ve wished that there was some way to help him.

Robert Carnes

And then they realised that –  duh! –  there’s one very obvious way to help the little pup.

After all, what do they themselves pull out whenever they need to reach something that’s too high up? A step stool, of course.

Robert Carnes

So, one day, Guiseppe’s family brought him a stool and suddenly the sweet lab was finally able to peek over the wall.

His little tail went a mile a minute as he rested his paws on the wall and popped his head over it.

Robert Carnes

Giuseppe was overjoyed, as was Vito and Bambino who had waited eagerly for the determined pup to finally succeed.

Now, Giuseppe can say hi to his friends and neighbors whenever he feels like it, and Vito and Bambino are thrilled to have a new friend just a sniff away.

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