Heartbroken Cat Has Spent 1 Year Crying Next To His Owner’s Grave


cute kitten loved her owner so much she couldn’t bear to leave her side. A year has passed since this cat’s owner passed away, but the kitty hasn’t left her old lady’s grave. Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28 years old, tried to adopt the cat but that didn’t work – the next day the feline returned her owner’s grave as usual – nuzzling the small blue headstone. Remarkably, the cat walks every day to her former home where the old lady’s children feed her – then returns to the grave. Despite being given food and water by passers-by, but the cat refuses to leave the grave to roll in the earth and sleep at the grave every night.

“She sleeps there and meows, it shows just how close animals are to their owners.” Keli said. And who said cats don’t have feelings for their owners? Please share this heartbroken story with friends to let them know that cats are loyal companions as well.

A cute kitten loved her owner so much she couldn’t bear to leave her side.

Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno (pictured), 28, tried to adopt the cat but it returned to the same spot – nuzzling the small blue headstone.

The cat has lived at the grave for a year.

Remarkably, the cat walks every day to her former home where the old lady’s children feed her – then returns to the grave.

Despite being given food and water by passers-by, but the cat refuses to leave the grave to roll in the earth and sleep at the grave every night.



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