Little Puppy Abandoned On Side Of Road In Trash Can Cries Out For Savior

is poor little guy was scared and just wanted someone to help him.
Puppies that have been abandoned. This video demonstrates that there are still nice people in the world. This poor, forlorn puppy is trapped in what appears to be a concrete block between busy traffic lanes. The adorable puppy appears afraid as he watches automobiles rushing by on all sides of him. After what seems like an eternity, the poor dog becomes resigned to his predicament and almost gives up.

Finally, we see a man who has stopped his car and is running towards this sad animal. What might cause someone to abandon a puppy? I couldn’t help but wonder what could possibly force someone to abandon a puppy when viewing this video.Perhaps the puppy’s owner died and there was no one to look after him. Perhaps the owner couldn’t afford to care for the dog. There’s also the possibility that the owner intended to surrender the puppy but couldn’t because shelters were filled and they thought the pup’s greatest chance of survival was on his own.

Whatever the reasons for this puppy’s abandonment, it happens far more frequently than most people know. Only one out of every ten pups born will find a permanent home, according to That means that 90% of them end up homeless or abandoned! This figure is appalling, which is why so many organizations encourage everyone to spay or neuter their pets and instead adopt one from a shelter or rescue. According to, 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year because shelters are overcrowded or overflowing.

This puppy will not become one of these statistics as a result of this nice samaritan. When the man approaches the dog, he swiftly frees him and examines him. He gives him some water and then takes him home with him after determining that there are no visible injuries. Even though the puppy is wary, he is still hungry! The pup appears to bond with the man fast and easily, eating out of his hand. Before getting a dog, think about it. Given the terrible numbers for abandoned dogs, anyone considering adding one to their family should think long and hard about it. Because a puppy can be a 10-15 year commitment, it is critical to consider all family members’ ages. Puppies’ teeth are very sharp, so if you have an infant or very young child in the house, you may want to reconsider.

On the other end of the scale, if you are elderly, take in mind your physical limits in caring for a puppy as time passes.Consider your existing schedule and whether or not someone will be home to give the puppy the love and attention it deserves. A puppy might also be costly. Food, toys, and veterinarian fees can rapidly add up, so carefully consider these costs before adopting a dog. Are you ready to welcome a new furry family member? When you’ve determined you’re ready for a new puppy, try visiting a local shelter or rescue. As seen by this heartwarming video, it is entirely possible to come across a gorgeous puppy who is only looking for a permanent, loving home.

Are you ready to welcome a new furry family member? When you’ve determined you’re ready for a new puppy, try visiting a local shelter or rescue. As seen by this heartwarming video, it is entirely possible to come across a gorgeous puppy who is only looking for a permanent, loving home. Take a look at the rescue footage below!