Pit Bull Leaps Into The River, Saves Distressed Boy From Drowning

ogs are called man’s best friend. They are loving, protective, and loyal. Sometimes dogs can become heroes, even when they do not know that. They just do things as they are told to do. And the dogs who save lives deserve to receive recognition. A dog named Max is one of those heroic canines.
This lovely pup showed the world how sweet Pit Bulls can be by saving a boy from drowning. Thanks to Max, the boy was rescued in time.
Horror on the Beach
Beaches are uplifting places, especially for water-loving dogs. But when the water current picks up, it’s not quite so happy. Rob Osborn and Max were hanging out by the river’s sandy shore in Port Noarlunga, Australia. It was all fun and games until they saw the current pick up suddenly with a boy trapped in it.
Osborn spotted the boy in distress and prepared to swim out himself. But then he saw how excited Max looked to swim again. So, Osborn yelled out to the pup and pointed toward the boy. Without hesitation, Max leaped into the water and did exactly as he was told.
“The tide was going in, and it was sucking the boy over to all of the big rocks, into a really deep part of the river,” said Osborn.
Image: Screenshot, @7NewsAustralia/Facebook
Max, who was wearing an adorable dog life jacket, paddled out to him. Osborn encouraged the boy to call Max, and when the pup neared, the boy grabbed onto the life jacket’s handle. It was clear the child was terrified, but at least he was in good paws.
Some Heroes Have Four Paws
The boy held on for dear life as the good pup paddled him back to shore, where his mother eagerly waited. The child seemed unharmed, but was understandably shaken. Of course, Osborn was incredibly proud of his furry friend.
“He’s definitely a hero, he just doesn’t know it. He was just doing what he was told,” said Osborn.
Image: Jamie Osborn Facebook
Unfortunately, the boy and his mom left before news reporters arrived. They probably wanted to get home as quickly as they could. But Osborn hopes they find a way to reach out to him to let him know the boy is safe and has fully recovered.
Max deserves all the praise in the world for his courageous act. Hopefully, his selfless attitude will show the world that all dogs, especially Pit Bulls, can be excellent companions and even heroes. After all, this sweet dog rushed to save the day before any humans did.