“The Homeless Dog Carried A Bundle In His Teeth”: He Saved A Little Human Life On That Day

Our “younger brothers” must be loved, cared for, and cherished since they are the ones that stick by us in the most trying times.

This heartfelt tale took place in Thailand. As is customary, a homeless dog walked around the streets, hoping to find a kind human who would feed him.

So, next to the garbage can, the dog heard a strange squeak that could only be described to kitten meowing. When the dog got closer, he discovered the bundle and grabbed it, dragging it after him.

It was unclear how long the dog had been travelling in this manner, but it eventually turned and headed toward one of the houses.

Until the owners came out of the home, the dog barked. They examined an odd bundle and discovered a newborn who was barely breathing. The lady quickly dialed 911, and the baby was taken to the intensive care unit.

The youngster is now in the hospital and on the mend, and the dog has been given the name Pugh and a lifeguard collar.


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