A family in Taiwan has taken their love of dogs to the next level; the Hsu family has dedicated their lives to caring for dogs in need, and are currently caring for 3000 stray pups.
The pups are housed at the Hsu family’s shelter, Mrs.Hsu’s Sanctuary, where they are looked after by the Hsu family, the shelter staff, and a large number of volunteers.

Taiwan, unfortunately, has a huge problem with strays; it’s estimated that roughly half a million dogs and cats are currently living on the streets.
Living on the streets leaves these poor pets vulnerable to countless dangers and they never know where they’ll get their next meal.

The Hsu family were concerned about the large number of stray pups they saw and decided to do something to help them.
They started by taking in a small number of strays and giving them the care they needed.

Soon, the number of strays under their care began to grow and the family realized that they needed more space and resources.
Luckily, another dog-lover stepped up and helped them take things to the next level.

A compassionate benefactor decided to help the family and the strays by donating a huge facility to the family.
This became the wonderful shelter which 3000 pups now call home.

The shelter has its own veterinarian and also has a special room for grooming and a big room for the pups to sleep in.
The shelter also has associates who can provide any dog who needs one with a custom-made wheelchair at a low cost.
Some of the strays suffer from injuries or illnesses as a result of life on the streets. The on-site vet takes care of minor issues, but dogs with serious issues get taken to the local animal hospital.

Mrs.Hsu’s Sanctuary is fully funded by donations and is dependant on volunteers.
The shelter does employ permanent staff, but with 3000 pups under one roof, they need all the help they can get.

Since most of the pups have been living on the streets, they are used to being around other dogs, and they like hanging out in packs.
Therefore, they love playing together outside and spend a lot of time in the shelter’s “park” area.

In 2017, Taiwan banned “mercy killings” of strays, which made them the first country to ban the use of euthanasia as stray pet population control.
As a result of these wonderful news, more focus has been put on spaying and neutering pets, as well as on educating people about the negative impact of breeding and the more sustainable option of adoption.

Most of the pups at Mrs. Hsu’s Sanctuary are eligible for adoption and are eagerly waiting to find their very own forever homes.
And sometimes, they don’t have to look very far; Angel Wang, one of the shelter’s volunteers, fell head over heels for one of the strays and ended up adopting the sweet little girl in 2017.

The Hsu family, the staff and all the volunteers are truly inspiring people and we are so amazed by the work they do.
They are saving and transforming these pups lives and creating a better future for pups everywhere.