A boxer dog that had been left behind and tied to a lamppost was left to wait with sad eyes. 

When Graham Dobson, one of the original occupants, saw the dejected and terrified dog tethered to a lamppost on the side of the road, he was en route to work. He gave the dog some food and waited to see if his owner would come retrieve him. Sadly, the cruel owner left the dog there hours later and never showed up again. So Dobson quickly made the call to have the dog warden come get him.

The unfortunate dog appeared to be waiting for his family to return, but he knew deep down that he had been abandoned and had no idea why his family had previously abandoned him. All Dobson can hope for is that fame will provide him with the forever home he so well deserves.

He was a really lovely dog and quite amiable, so it was upsetting to see that he had been abandoned and how concerned he was. He was really alarmed. Why someone would just abandon a dog is beyond me. Dobson remarked, “I adore animals and don’t want to see them mistreated or abandoned.

Yorkshire Boxer Rescue and Nottinghamshire are now keeping an eye on the prizefighter. They renamed him Max, and they are trying to find him a decent home.

“Max is doing veritably well and has gone to stay with a veritably educated foster home, where the family is helping us to assess and watch for him,” the organization stated on social media. Sweet Max has undergone several surgeries. “As you can imagine, we’ve had a lot of interest in Max and operations, but right now we think it’s stylish to just focus on his care and further evaluate his needs.”

Max is currently surrounded by affection, and he will soon discover his forever home. We hope he’s not mistreated or neglected in any manner going forward.


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