Dog Who Had His Ears Ripped Off Just Wants to Cuddle and Find a Forever Home

Legend’s hearing is fine but his ears are gone and he’s covered in scars…
Legend’s hearing is fine, but his ears are gone and he’s covered in scars… After a dog was brutally attacked by two other dogs, Greenville County Animal Care put out an urgent for a volunteer to move an injured dog to a vet clinic. Animal lover Fran Alexay Rizzo answered this decision.decision.

But Legend may be a fighter and he made it through his first night. Over several days, he was giving surgery, given fluids and placed on a feeding tube. He began to recover.recover. His wounds swelled up a couple of days later. But he slowly he got better and better. TogetherAs his medical expenses became higher and higher, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC began to help pay for his medical expenses. Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of the group, said: “We’re thrilled with the result and glad he’s alive. It’s a miraculous story and he’s touched tons of individuals .” Legend’s hearing is ok, but his ears are gone and he’s covered in scars. But he’s nothing but happy. His tail was swaying all the time, and he didn’t like to kiss Fran in a bath.
“If you judge a book by its cover, you would possibly miss out on a tremendous story,” Fran said of Legend. “He’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever fostered in my life,” she gushes. “He constantly wants hugs and kisses.”
Fran said she cares about keeping the legend for one day, because the two are very close. But she knows she can’t still foster other dogs for Greenville County Animal Care, who desperately need fosters.
She hopes that more people can strengthen and help cultivate the Greenville County Animal Protection Organization, because they really need help.assistance.
InAt the same time, Fran and Rescue Dogs Rock NYC decided to find the easiest home for Legend.