Puppy Thrown Out At Garbage Dump Has Best Life Now

amu was tossed like a piece of trash…but watch what happens next.
Thanks to a rescuer’s daily routine, a gorgeous dog found thrown at a landfill has a long, happy life ahead of him.
Takis Proestakis, an animal rescuer, finds dogs virtually every day at the local garbage. In fact, Takis Shelter was founded as a result of his rescue of an abandoned dog in a garbage dump.

Samu almost blended in, his white fur matching the color of the mattress he was hiding under.
“Here we are again,” Takis says as he lets his dog Zoe out of his car in the rescue footage (see below). Takis thinks that Zoe will assist him in luring the puppy to him, and he is successful.
Takis can’t help but adore the dog once he’s safely in his car. “Look at this gorgeous face,” he continues, noticing that the puppy is still wearing a blue collar.
Takis returns Samu to his refuge, which is located on a mountainside among an olive grove. The shelter is home to 300 dogs at any given moment.
Samu was initially shy, but the puppy soon relaxed in the presence of the other animals and began to play with the other dogs at the shelter.Samu quickly catches the attention of a foreign visitor who fosters dogs for Takis in her house in Finland. Samu arrives in Finland shortly after and befriends two other canines rescued from Takis Shelter. He’s on his way to having the best life ever!
Wait till the end of the video to discover Samu’s wonderful update!