Proposed Bill Would Ban Animal Abusers From Owning A Pet

Lawmakers are trying to make life harder and harder for animal abusers. After a proposed bill that would make animal cruelty a federal felony in Florida, and a Pennsylvania law that grants felony charges to dog owners who leave their pets out in extreme weather conditions for more than 30 minutes, it might be Colorado’s turn to introduce a law that would make the state definitely more animal-friendly.
Denver lawmaker Representative Alex Valdez introduced HB19-1092, a bill that if approved would give judges the ability to ban people convicted of misdemeanor animal abuse from taking care or owning an animal of any kind for a period of 5 to 10 years. Ban that would be mandatory if the person is convicted of felony animal abuse.

In addition to that, felons would be charged a minimum $500 fine.

Recidivists would undergo an anger management or mental health treatment program.

Animal lovers from all around the US are praising this proposal, and many are hoping that similar measures to contrast animal cruelty will be taken by more states across the nation.

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