Dog waits 4 years in the same spot until he finally gets reunited with owners who lost him

Dog Waits 4 Years   In The Same Spot Until He   Finally Gets Reunited   With Owners Who   Lost Him


The saying   “A dog is a man’s best   friend” is something a   lot of people would   agree with. There are   hundreds of stories   about dogs whose   love for their human   is stronger than   any   obstacle.


Recently,   the story of Leo,   a dog from Thailand,   went viral. His owners   accidentally left   the poor   pooch near a gas station. From   that day on,   Leo never left   that place   and patiently   waited four long   years until the   return of his family.



People tried to   help Leo, he was thin   and starving. It   seemed like he developed   some sort of   skin disease. A 45-year-old   woman named   Saowalak fed him   as much as she   could and took   him home, but every   time Leo escaped and was found in the   same spot by the   road. So she gave   up and just   brought food for   him next to the road.


Another concerned   citizen named Anuchit   Uncharoen took to   social media to try   to find Leo’s   owners. In his post, he   uploaded some pictures   and mentioned   that the dog has   been waiting four   years for his   lost owner.



The good folk   of the internet   shared the post   and a miracle   happened. The real   family of Leo found   him. They contacted   Anuchit Uncharoen and told   him that Leo looks   like BonBon . The dog they lost   four years  ago in 2015. The family   tried to search for their   dog after they realized   he had gone missing,   but didn’t manage   to find him and assumed the worst.



BonBon was really   happy to see his   family, but surprisingly   not willing to follow   them home. It seemed   like he decided to stay   with the woman that   has been caring for   him for the past   four years. The  family supported BonBon’s   decision and let   him stay with Saowalak.


The family   promised to help   take care   of BonBon, come  visit and help  pay for any  vet bills.


Everyone on   social media was surprised   and confused, but   happy that BonBon   finally got to see  his old  family and found   a new home.

More info: Facebook

Image credits: dogthailand

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